Thursday, July 16, 2009

Be a Great Husband and Father - Things you Should Do for Your Wife

1. Always open the door for your wife

2. This may sound funny to some, but notice the way a dog goes to his owner when the owner arrives home. There is so much obvious love, excitement, and joy. If we all greeted our wives the way a dog greets his owner, we would have happier wives (and lives).

3. Tell her you love her at least once a day. At night before you go to bed is always a good time. Before you leave each other in the morning, or at the end of a phone call. Send her a text message or email during the day telling her you're thinking about her and you love her.

4. Thank God for your wife and let her know you do so.

5. Notice what a great job she does (this can be with work, the kids, taking care of the home, etc), but take notice and tell her that you noticed and you appreciate it.

6. Thank her for the small things (making the coffee in the morning, getting the kids ready for bed, cleaning out the car, whatever it thankful!)

7. Resist the temptation to degrade your wife in any way. This can happen with both men and women when they gather around to talk about their spouses (usually in the workplace).

8. Instead, take the lead and talk about how great your wife is. If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all! BUT, YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO FIND SOMETHING!

9. Take note of the small things your wife tells you. Maybe she thinks some work in the yard or around the house needs to be done. Then just do it when she least expects it.

10. Take the initiative to help with daily chores whenever possible. In my house, if one prepares dinner, we have an agreement that the other will do dishes. If dinner is take out, then we both help with clean up.

11. Anticipate the needs and wants of your wife. If the bathtub is getting grimey, then clean it before she asks you to do so. If the laundry is piling up, throw in a load. Anything you can do to make your wife's life easier will go a long way in making your famliy happier.

12. If you wake up without any covers, don't tug them away from your wife. Make sure she's tucked in and get another blanket for yourself.

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