Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Why Be a Great Husband and Father?

Being a husband and father is the most important thing you will ever do...More important than the next company you're going to start, your next promotion at work, your next big stock trade, or the next triathlon you're going to conquer. You get the picture. The father of the family is the biggest contributing factor in creating a happy life for you and your family. Too many men do not understand this, and it is usually fairly simple to do. Treat your wife like the queen that she is and cherish every moment with your children. By doing this, we can avoid the biggest catastrophe in the lives of anyone that allows it to happen...DIVORCE. So many people let the struggles of their daily lives affect their home life. Problems at work, financial struggles, problems with the rest of your family (parents, siblings) etc can all be factors that lead to a ruined marriage. When these things lead to divorce it usually exacerbates the rest of the problems. Many couples face foreclosure, bankruptcy, job loss, etc as a result of failed marriages. In most cases it can be avoided. Very simply...a simple smile, hug, and "I love you" can work wonders in any difficult marital situation.

Why am I qualified to write about this? Well, I hate to brag, but I was voted 2008 Man of the Year by my wife's friends...(a small, but distinguished group of single women looking for Mr. Right). But seriously, does one need a PhD to be a great husband and father? I don't think so. The key element is the desire to succeed in this, the biggest and most important aspect of our lives. Today's society too often defines success by a corporate title or the size of our automobiles. The desire to create a strong marriage and happy family must come before these other things. I pray everyday that God will help me the best husband and father that I can be. I also think there needs to be a spiritual element to each and every one of our lives to help us understand that there is something bigger than we are, a power that helps us through the hard times and smiles down upon us during the good times.

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